Affiliate marketing..
What can I say..
It’s ‘ma thang’.
It’s by far my favorite business model.
If you do it right then all you need to do is send traffic into a marketing process (funnel) and π² comes out the other side.
No support questions to answer..
No products or training to fulfill on and keep updated..
No headaches..
Just promote a product with all of those things already in place and take a cut of the pie.
But, obviously it’s not that easy..
If it was that easy then everybody would simply join an affiliate program, send traffic and make π²..
If you’ve been online for any amount of time you know that’s not how it works…
…at least the vast majority of the time.
Finding a funnel that actually converts is hard.
Here’s the truth about affiliate marketing funnels:
AT BEST, 1 in 200 out there convert well.
That’s why so many people give up on affiliate marketing and making π² online in general.
They join sometimes hundreds of programs and though the product may be fine and dandy, the way that the product is sold sucks.
The marketing process doesn’t convert leads into customers.
You can save yourself so much time, money and frustration if you could just plug into the right one, right?
That’s where my friend Jeff comes into play Compadre.
He’s one of the best, if not THE best affiliate funnel creators in the industry.
He can turn ANY product into a hot seller using his ‘value funnel’ marketing process.
Getting plugged into automated funnels that produce affiliate commissions with a profit, is a dream come true.
And that is what I’m giving you the chance to get access to for Free.
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Cheers and have a great rest of your day